Step three: What do you want?

This step is a game changer! In this step, you’re invited to create your own version of success, and what milestones have meaning to you.


‘I Want’ list.

Guide page 87.

Workbook page 46.

Creating my version of success.

Guide page 98.

Workbook page 57.




How did I end up here?

Breaking up with expectations

Learning zones

Moving away and towards

Your confidence equation

Public vs private self

How growth works

The five steps of growth

Step one: Own it!

Auditing your life

Owning where you are right now

Making friends with your patterns


Step two: Find your way back

Remembering you

What’s changed?

Step four: Game plan

People audit

Bringing your ‘I Want’ list to life through prioritisation

Step five: Take the first step

Your personal agreement

Your survival guide

Communicate your needs

Meeting your needs

You can do it

Celebrate the wins